Monday, November 12, 2012

Track 9W

Thanks for making it out Tijon, Jo, Miguel, Chris, Darius & Daryl!!

This past Sunday Nov - 11 2012, we decided to hit up 9W route for some training. Started to head North via West Side highway and then Riverside Road up to the GWB, crossed over to NJ and went north on 9W to "The Filling Station" - this place is a perfect place to chill with your buddies, grab a bite and a beer and continue our mission. By the time we finished bullshitting it was about 3 so we decided it's smart to head back before it starts getting dark. we all finished with a estimate of 50-60 miles by the time we all reach home.

We are doing another big ride this Sunday Nov 18, estimate of 79 miles "BMC 79 Mile Challenge" if you would like to join us, feel free to contact me for the meetup spot and time.

Thanks for viewing our blog!!
Now get on that saddle and work!!!

La Colombe

Grabbing some drinks before heading on the GWB

Just bombed a nasty ill Down hill.


Daryl - "You better work" !!!

Shot this on the GWB
A beautiful View of NY / NJ

See yah next week Ladie, and Gents....

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