Sunday, November 4, 2012

Oh Sandy.............

luckily our family and friends are all safe and sound from this spiteful storm that hit us pretty hard here in the Tri state - Manhattan, New Jersey, Staten Island, Brooklyn, Queens, and the Bronx.

some of us might have it good, well, okay, just OK, "couldn't been worse", but we all know from watching or listening to the news that the recovery for the storm in certain areas like Rockaway Beach (Queens), Long Island, Long Beach, Staten Island, Lower East Side, Hoboken NJ is breath taking.

The temperature is dropping here in New York/ NJ and its scary to think how cold and hungry these people can be, A few buddies and I are packing up some warm clothes and anything we can spare that can help them. If you are reading this and is not too late and you would like to join us. We are meeting at Prospect park Brooklyn at the Grand Army Plaza Entrance at 12 Noon.

pitch in and help somehow, someway // every one adds a count

Bundle up !!
Stay Safe!!

- Nemo

(Follow me on instagram @nemoNYC , if your interested to check out some photos. I haven't had a chance to post any photos from the storm as of yet but soon I promise I will post up some photos and stories from the Storm, Maybe later Today after the Group Ride to Rockaway)

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