Tuesday, November 27, 2012


The temperature been dropping here in the East Coast, it's harder and harder to get up in the morning. This past Sunday 11/25, for our weekly SUNDAY AM RIDE, we wanted to get some miles in as usual and  decided to hit up 9W again but this time the destination is Runcible Spoon, a destination for many New York Cyclist.

As usual, the regulars show up and it was a total of 5 of us including me. Yes it is hard to get up in this cold and actually set your mind to do 60 miles in this cold weather. In the morning of this Sunday it was in it's high 30's and low 40's. It was a gloomy day to ride but once we all meet up we were amped to go. We raked up a total of 60  miles from La Colombe to Runcible Spoon 30 miles and back 30 miles. It was a cold, so I hardly captured any photos.

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