Sunday, November 18, 2012

110 Miles El Tour de Tucson Arizona from Justin

Justin have completed 110 miles on his Mash Histogram in one ride, I know the feeling of finishing 100 miles. It is a great feeling and accomplishment.

Thanks for sharing this with us Justin!!

El Tour from my saddle... The first 80miles was great blazing past roadies and getting compliments on my bike and riding style. Several roadies drafted me for many miles throughout the course. Sprinting up hills past them was a great feeling! After about the 90mile mark I was warn out but luckily had many energy snacks (thanks to my girl) on the side of the road! She gave me so much support and gave me what it took to sprint out the last 20miles or so to the finish! I felt so accomplished finishing it on a track bike and have many people congratulate me for my accomplishments.

-Justin Weeks

Here is the link to his Garmin, check it out for details status of his ride.

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