Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Tucson Arizona - NNR

This is amazing how I am about to post this article from someone I consider a Friend. A friend from all the other side of the states - Tucson Arizona. I had to just google map this and he is 2 Thousand 500 miles away. That is equivalent to 40 hours by car and about 235 hours by bike lol. 

(I apologize in advance if you don't enjoy my style of "freeblogging" meaning I say what's on my mind, for those who don't mind it. Thank you and hope you stay with me on this NNR journey)

Justin from Instagram @jweeeks reach out to me regarding the NNR Decals and I was please enough to throw a stamp on it. Big ups to Justin for taking the time and effort to take these lovely photos and sharing this with us, I appreciate it a lot and would love to keep all of our readers informed from Tucson Arizona !!

Never Not Riding in Tucson

I have to ride everyday or I feel like something’s missing, Tucson is a great place to ride. There are so many different trails, routes, and variations of rides. Cycling is a year round thing in Tucson, the sun is out majority of the year and rarely ever rains.  Tucson is a great place to ride because if I’m able to take it here and not want to bike in another city, then it must be. I wouldn’t wake up for a morning ride at 6am everyday to ride, because it wouldn’t be worth it to go.  I ride on sick days. I ride on rest days. I ride everyday.
I love climbing on track bikes because it’s more challenging. I like to ride big ratios, because it makes me stronger. Tucson has a full range of climbs from Cat 5 all the way to HC climbs. Tucson feeds my urge to Never Not Ride because of the beautiful landscape, perfect weather, and the vast amounts of routes.

-Justin Weeks

hype bikes

Monday, October 22, 2012

Sunday Funday

originally we wanted to hit up the Palisades interstate Park along the 9w but someone name ...... doesn't have a lid. (not to name any names in specific, lol) but you know who you are. lol But since we all wanted to put some miles in. There is nothing better than our favorite and somewhat Local Bike Trail

Putnam - Croton on Hudson

Begins at Van Cortland park and goes all the way North to "croton on hudson"

some days I take more photos than other,

enjoy my selection...

                                                                              always the 1st rest stop
                                                                                   Chain Ring out

                                                        Mr. GT doing the damn thing
                                                                    Throw it up!!!

Rayrush and his Roadie, Saving his legs for Monday's Ride

Let's get into some trouble 

                                                         Trouble means good ;)

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Never Not Riding

Not for the typical,
Not for the commons,
Not for the regulars,
especially... Not for you if you don't put in 40 miles (minimum) weekly

thoughtfully made are these limited "NNR" vinyl decals

it might just be a decal/sticker to some (yeah.... this is not for you but thanks for reading on) but for us, this is our time, our time to Ride to live...... not live to Ride.

get on that saddle and represent!!

comes in black or white
o/s only

(out of respect, please do not try to reproduce)

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Tour de Hills (BX) 2012

I apologize if I am not updating enough, I know I said this before but I try my best to update as much as possible, at least once a week.

If you couldn't make it out to the Tour De Bronx this past Sunday 10.14.2012. You really missed out on a good ride and time.

Get out there and ride your bike!!!

This is my 2nd Tour de Hills (BX) in a row and only good memories and stories to tell. To me, this is becoming an annual gathering,  get together and talk shieeeeeeet lol.

40 miles of Hills!!! Yes, it might not seem that serious from the way I am stressing it but let the hills talk and keep the cog turning!! no walking!!! punk!!!  There was a moment or two that I thought I had to get off the bike and walk up the rest of the hill but when your riding a fine bike and rolling with some cool motivating bike buddies, you just keep pushing it till you barf..... literally !!

Lot's of fun with!!
Hope to see more people attending this next year around.
Start training now!!!

Enjoy the photos...

FDR drive, saying wasup to ANGEL - TOD / Street Kings

Jo, Miguel, Tijon, and the newly engaged lady - Erin 
( yo T, what you covering there )

Looking forward to some Pizza Pizza

      2nd rest stop. Orchard Beach BX. The day is warming up, expected it to hit 70 Degrees
                               Last day of warm weather here in New York

packing for a bike tour that is 40 miles or more is important, You do not want to pack too much and you do not want to forget something you need

tool pouch on the left, water bottle on the center, phone on the right (MASH wind vest)
Have a spare tube Velcro strapped to the saddle

last rest stop, was rolling with the first batch of the Tour

Finish line, 
Botanical Garden waiting for our Pizza and Wack shirt 

Support And Gear

Botanical Garden

Taking the subway back into the city to get some real food and chill
it's only about 3:00

                                                    regular spot
                            Shake Shack for some good burgers and Booze
                                                 Never gets old

Thank you for viewing

Monday, October 15, 2012

Bike Love

Winter is around the corner and my brother felipe is making moves fast !!! cuffing season !! 

Congrats to my brother Felipe and his lovely fiancĂ© Erin. Yesterday 10/14/12 Felipe propose to Erin in the morning before the start of the Tour De Bronx Bike Tour in front of everyone. Amazing !! 

and of course Erin said Y....E....S
Yes! Yes! Yes! how can she resist?? personal bike mechanic for life !!! 

Felipe and Erin met the same time as place last year of Tour De Bronx 2011. Ever since then, there have been nothing but good news from these two. Can't wait for the wedding and the baby shower.... you already know all the gift going to be bike related !! 

Much love, peace, happiness and respect two!!

PS. I am so happy for Felipe, and Erin. If you know the kind of person Fea is, you would feel the same way. He's the kind of person that would do whatever he can to give a hand in need. Thanks do always looking out!!



Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Never Not Ridng!!!

even when it shows rain on the forecast, we still make the best of it!!
the best part is - when you have great company.

photos from this past daily Sunday 9/30/2012 ride.
(we ride every Sunday, if you would like to join us, shoot me a email

El route -

Staten Island Ferry
Staten Island
Bayonne Bridge
Bayonne New Jersey
Downtown New Jersey
Jersey City
Edgewater New Jersey
Geeeeeeeeeeee DUB
Riverside Drive South Bound
Artichokes NYC

                                                            Staten Island Ferry

Rain is Coming but we have time for a photo

Brooklyn Stand up!!

                                                                     Clip Life

Hiding out from the Rain
Feastin at some Slamming Mexican Spot in Hoboken NJ

PS. lol, sorry if I dissapointed some of you, yes I am riding a road bike. It's a COLNAGO MAPEI c40. can I live??!?! ;)


you have probbaly watch this already but if you didn't, make sure you do so we're on the same page ;)