Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Damn Dam Croton !!!

Planning crazy bike journeys with your bike buds on Track Fixed Gear bicycles can be dangerous and fun at the same time. But when you have great company and motivation from each other to push the limit, there is no questions that you know you'll be f*&ked the next day. 

a few of us got together this past Sunday morning and decided to head North from the City toward Westchester to the Croton Dam. We have heard this place is drop dead gorgeous and would be worth the leg work.

When your spending a full day of riding with your buddies, you'll know there will be stories calling for.   
you can only imagine

enjoy the photos

Rollin through the cemetery 
Thanks for the locals for directions
The cycling community always so helpful, doesn't matter where your from. 
we always stick together. 

                                            Shout out to this tough guy for making it
                                there can be times when you wake up the day of the ride
                                          and be like like F* it, I'm not going to make it.
                                                I feel like shit but that wasn't that case
                              I'm glad you made it and we didn't take the Chu Chu back

                                                 the view while standing on the bridge

                                                      the view from the bottom

                                                             Enjoying the moment

                              surprisingly found some where to grub (much needed for all of us)
                                                 before riding back to the Bronx

till next time.....

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