Sunday, April 22, 2012

Weekend Group Rides

we was suppose to hit up Philly to ride, chill, and eat some CHEESESTEAKS!!!
but there was rain on the manifest so we didn't want to risk it. 

met up at the usual spot with the Jersey Crew @
The Viet Sandwhich on 369 Broome Street NYC 10013
(this is one of the best Vietnamese Sandwich spots in NYC, if you don't eat pork. You can try a #8 Curry Chicken, Slamming!!)

here is some dope photos from the ride


- Viet Spot
- Scrap Yard
- 6th ave up to Central Park
- Central Park Lap
- Columbus Circle 
- Went down broadway, passed by Union Sq.
- Soho Park
- Chrome Store
- Brooklyn Bound / Jersey Bound

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