Monday, July 23, 2012

Century Ride September 9th 2012

Shit just got serious!!!

Only for the serious!!!

Who's ready for the Century Ride September 9th 2012???

Sign up here !!!
Do not wait till last minute!!!

Summer Streets 2012

Gather your friends this year around for Summer Street 2012!!

Saturday 4th, 11th, & 18th from 7am - 1pm Only

Walk, Jog, Run, BIKE!!, fly. whatever floats your boat.
the Streets will be closed for your Summer fun from downtown Manhattan

Brooklyn Bridge
all the way up to 72nd street
via Lafayette Street, Park Ave

If you would like to join us in our group ride.
Email us for information

Enjoy and Have fun!!

Good times

sometimes you need to just chill back and relax and enjoy your cool friends and loved ones around you.

we decided to have a simple BBQ and catch up on life

here is some photos from the BBQ

                                                         Line them up!!!

                                                        Chain Ring Out!!

Rich the Barber Choppin it up !!

(follow Rich via Instagram @richthebarber)

Bike Chat!!
Catching up !!

Jimmy got his cherry popped on the way to the BBQ

Glad nothing happened to him and only his bars got scaped up

more photos to come!!

Monday, July 16, 2012


I had a chance to bring out my Camera this past Saturday while hanging with my lady and friends on a Summer Satur   day..

Here is some random shots
Hope you enjoy them.

                                            Entree Life Style Office in Dumbo Brooklyn


lol ready or not

                                                              Okay Game Face on


                                                                   My Ninja Dillan!!

                                                                      Random Bike

                                   we just chilling, trying to enjoy our Day and here it goes....

                                                       Decks on Decks on Decks

                                                                   You are the Winner!!!

Weekend Warriors

Storm was on the forecast but that did not stop us from Riding...

                                                                      enjoy the photos!
                                              we do this putnam ride every 3-4 weeks.
                                            Email us for info if your interested to join us.

so fresh and so ...........

setting up

                            started pouring so we had to stop and find cover under a big tree

                                                                   Weekend Warriors

Thank you for checking the blog.

- Nemo

Monday, July 2, 2012

48 x 17

I'm sure many of you have seen this, but if you havn't.
please do yourself a favor and check it out.